Source code for PythonForTheLab.Controller.pftl_daq

PFTL DAQ Controller

Python For The Lab revolves around controlling a simple DAQ device built on top of an Arduino.
The DAQ device is capable of generating up to two analog outputs in the range 0-3.3V and to acquire
several analog inputs.

Because of the pedagogy of the course Python for the Lab, it was assumed that the device can generate
value by value and not a sequence. This forces the developer to think on how to implement a solution
purely on Python.

import serial
from time import sleep

[docs]class Device: """ Controller for the serial devices that ships with Python for the Lab. Parameters ---------- port : str The port where the device is connected. Something like COM3 on Windows, or /dev/ttyACM0 on Linux Attributes ---------- rsc : serial The serial communication with the device port : str The port where the device is connected, such as COM3 or /dev/ttyACM0 """ DEFAULTS = {'write_termination': '\n', 'read_termination': '\n', 'encoding': 'ascii', 'baudrate': 9600, 'read_timeout': 1, 'write_timeout': 1, } def __init__(self, port): self.port = port self.rsc = None
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Opens the serial port with the DEFAULTS. """ self.rsc = serial.Serial(port=self.port, baudrate=self.DEFAULTS['baudrate'], timeout=self.DEFAULTS['read_timeout'], write_timeout=self.DEFAULTS['write_timeout']) sleep(1)
[docs] def idn(self): """ Get the serial number from the device. Returns ------- str The serial number of the device """ return self.query('IDN')
[docs] def get_analog_input(self, channel): """ Get the Analog input in a channel Parameters ---------- channel : int The channel output_value : int The output value in the range 0-4095 Returns ------- int The value """ message = 'IN:CH{}'.format(channel) ans = self.query(message) ans = int(ans) return ans
[docs] def set_analog_output(self, channel, output_value): """ Sets the analog output of a channel Parameters ---------- channel : int The channel output_value : int The output value in the range 0-4095 """ message = 'OUT:CH{}:{}'.format(channel, output_value) self.query(message)
[docs] def query(self, message): """ Wrapper around writing and reading to make the flow easier. Parameters ---------- message : str The message to send to the device Returns ------- str Whatever the message outputs """ message = message + self.DEFAULTS['write_termination'] message = message.encode(self.DEFAULTS['encoding']) self.rsc.write(message) ans = self.rsc.readline() ans = ans.decode(self.DEFAULTS['encoding']).strip() return ans
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Closes the resource """ if self.rsc is not None: self.rsc.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': dev = Device('/dev/ttyACM0') #<---- Remember to change the port dev.initialize() serial_number = dev.idn() print(f'The device serial number is: {serial_number}') for i in range(10): dev.set_analog_output(0, 4000) volts = dev.get_analog_input(0) print(f'Measured {volts}') sleep(.5) dev.set_analog_output(0, 0) volts = dev.get_analog_input(0) print(f'Measured {volts}') sleep(.5)