Source code for PythonForTheLab.Model.analog_daq

Analog DAQ
Class for communicating with a real device. It implements the base for communicating with the device
through a Controller. The experiment in mind is measuring the I-V curve of a diode, adding the logic
into a separate Model for the experiment may seem redundant, but incredibly useful in bigger projects.

from PythonForTheLab.Controller.pftl_daq import Device
from PythonForTheLab import ur

[docs]class AnalogDaq: """ Simple Model that reflects the logic of the MVC pattern. This model relies on the real controller for communicating with an Arduino based DAQ. Parameters ---------- port : str See :mod:`~PythonForTheLab.Controller.pftl_daq` Attributes ---------- port : str The port information driver : Device The controller """ def __init__(self, port): self.port = port self.driver = Device(self.port)
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize the driver and sets the voltage on the outputs to 0 """ self.driver.initialize() self.set_voltage(0, ur('0V')) self.set_voltage(1, ur('0V'))
[docs] def finalize(self): """ Set the outputs to 0V and finalize the driver """ self.set_voltage(0, ur('0V')) self.set_voltage(1, ur('0V')) self.driver.finalize()
[docs] def set_voltage(self, channel, volts): """ Set the voltage to a given value on a given channel Parameters ---------- channel : int The channel number volts : Quantity The value to set, a quantity using Pint """ value_volts = volts.m_as('V') value_int = round(value_volts / 3.3 * 4095) self.driver.set_analog_output(channel, value_int)
[docs] def get_voltage(self, channel): """ Retrieve the voltage from the device Parameters ---------- channel : int Channel number Returns ------- Quantity The voltage read """ voltage_bits = self.driver.get_analog_input(channel) voltage = voltage_bits * ur('3.3V')/1023 return voltage
def __str__(self): return "Analog Daq"
if __name__ == "__main__": daq = AnalogDaq('/dev/ttyACM0') daq.initialize() voltage = ur('3000mV') daq.set_voltage(0, voltage) input_volts = daq.get_voltage(0) print(input_volts) daq.finalize()